Monday, August 31, 2009

Installing on Leopard

I'm moving my hosting from NESCent's servers to a server in my lab (running Mac OS 10.5). Having immediate access to the database structure will be helpful in continuing TreeTapper's development. Installing and configuring postgres on the Mac has taken some work. One useful site so far is here (though note that the latest version of postgres is 8.4, not 8.3). I'll post more as progress is made...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

TreeTapper code now available

The code for TreeTapper (the website's mostly PHP code) is now available. I'll be continuing to modify it, but please feel free to look it over and suggest (or submit) corrections, esp. regarding security.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Moving code to Google Code

I'm shortly (<1 month) going to be posting TreeTapper's backend code to Google Code hosting (final site at I'll have all the relevant php files (except the one that has the database login information [I hope]) but not basic images. If anyone has any advice about things to watch out for when posting code of this sort, please let me know [I'm concerned about exposing security vulnerabilities -- don't want to rely on "security through obscurity", but if it helps...].